У складі Гвардії Наступу створюють 11-ту бригаду – “Гарт”

novynarnia.com 30 Apr. 10:00 Category:Військо

Міністр внутрішніх справ Ігор Клименко оголосив про створення бригади «Гарт». Про це у вівторок, 30 квітня, повідомили в Міністерстві внутрішніх справ України. Зазначається, що це одинадцята бригада у складі Гвардії Наступу та третя бойова бригада у складі Державної прикордонної служби. “Бійці «Гарту» уже підсилюють Сили оборони на східних рубежах нашої країни”, – наголосили в МВС. […] The post У складі Гвардії Наступу створюють 11-ту бригаду – “Гарт” first appeared on Но

Kaffer of the War Media led by Colonel Sergei Stump: I don't know what he knows about him

novynarnia.com 30 Apr. 09:07 Category:Військо

Directed by the head of the State Department of War Media Kop, named Tatias Shevenek, was appointed by Colonel Serguy Steslowtown. On Tuesday, on April 30th, the head of the National Assembly of Ukraine Sergei Tomilenko. He claims Sergei is a shoe candidate for political science. Since the beginning of a full-blown invasion in Kyiv, the Government of the Defense Forces of Ukraine has contributed to [# 8230;] ] The post Cafferer of military journalism

In Ukraine, the women's BMW will be created: How to join him

novynarnia.com 29 Apr. 21:07 Category:Військо

In Ukraine, the initiative began to launch a female volunteer unit involving drones in close integration with defense forces. This has been reported by the founder of the Air Intelligence Support Center, a military worker, a recent commander of the offensive drones of & # 8220; Santiago Order & # 8221; Igor Lucenko on his Facebook. & # 8220; Not big yet, I understand, but everything depends on how big the demand for participation will be [# 8230; ♪ The post in Ukraine will create a female memory unit: how

ДПСУ прокоментувала накопичення російських військ на кордонах

novynarnia.com 29 Apr. 17:55 Category:Військо

Наразі у Росії немає сил, щоб здійснити нове вторгнення з кордону, яке дало б їй можливість досягти якоїсь стратегічної мети. Про це заявив речник Державної прикордонної служби України Андрій Демченко в інтерв’ю “Укрінформу”. Він припустив, що накопичення військ на кордоні може бути відволікаючим маневром. «Може бути відволікаючий маневр, щоб ми біля кордону тримали необхідну кількість сил і […] The post ДПСУ прокоментувала накопичення російських військ на кордонах first

Asia Australia announced a new military package for help in Ukraine: what's on the list

novynarnia.com 29 Apr. 14:03 Category:Військо

Australia continues to support Ukraine and announced a new military package for $100 million. On Monday, on April 29th, the Secretary of Defense by Rustum UmDEyer. From his words, help includes: $50 million on top of air defense system $30 million on drone air systems $15 million for high priority equipment: combat helmets, inflatable boats from [# 8230; ] The post Australia announced a new military package for Ukraine: What's in the spear

Австралія готує новий пакет військової допомоги для України на $100 млн: що туди увійде

novynarnia.com 27 Apr. 17:43 Category:Військо

Австралія готує для України новий пакет допомоги на 100 млн доларів. Про це в суботу, 27 квітня, заявив прем’єр-міністр України Денис Шмигаль. За його словами, такої домовленості досягли під час зустрічі з віцепрем’єр-міністром — міністром оборони Австралії Річардом Марлзом під час зустрічі у Львові. Половина цієї суми буде спрямована на велику партію ПЗРК. Понад 30 […] The post Австралія готує новий пакет військової допомоги для України на $100 млн: що туди увійде first appeared on

The recipient of the Kyiv Ghost, who founded a unique hospital to restore the Ukrainian defenders, became a military chaplain

novynarnia.com 27 Apr. 14:02 Category:Військо

dcop Mother One of & # 8220; Kyiv ghosts & # 8221; The deceased pilot, Stéphane Tarkali, has joined the body of the military chaplain. On April 26th, the head of Alexander Castray on Facebook reported this. He was teaching the video of Natalia. This woman told me that it was faith that helped her survive the death of a son who died in an air battle over the Hebrew March 13, 2022; & # 8220; I realized that [# 8230;] ] The post Mother of Kyiv, who founded a unique hoopital to restore the stolen

The capital schools have begun: It's all about fighting, Delta, Crobeer, trained and motivated by people. Yeah

novynarnia.com 27 Apr. 10:40 Category:Військо

The treaty began the work of updated capital schools founded by the Treatorial Defense Force. Now he became a professional military education course of & # 8220; The command-level L-1C "Capitalize & # 8221; At the Kyiv Military Institute of National University, the name of Taras Shenchenko. In the course of three months, the training course goes through 76 officers, mostly from Bill Tro. mouth commanders, platoon, battalion officers, battalion commanders [# 8230; ]

The ASAC Force has moved to a different position

novynarnia.com 26 Apr. 18:03 Category:Військо

The President of Ukraine, provided by the Ministry of Defense, is appointed by the head of the Government of the State Special Service by Alexander Yabatka. This is what the message of Ukraine's Minnesota is about on Friday, April 26. At the same time, Major Bogdan Bondard, who has taken this position, will be counted as Minister of Defense of Ukraine, and will do the job coordination and process control of [# 8230;] } The post Commander of the Blue support of the Kyiv

Українців ділитимуть на чотири категорії за станом здоровʼя. “Обмежено придатних” більше не буде

novynarnia.com 26 Apr. 15:50 Category:Військо

В Україні більше не буде людей зі статусом “обмежено придатний” – тепер громадян за станом здоров’я ділитимуть на чотири категорії. Про це повідомила директорка департаменту охорони здоров’я Міністерства оборони Оксана Сухорукова в інтервʼю виданню “Дзеркало тижня”. За її словами, після скасування статусу “обмежено придатний” в Україні сформуються чіткі правила щодо “придатних” та “непридатних”. Громадян за […] T

"Pl" finished collecting on the Gna Prest ": 100 snipers get the equipment that takes the enemy over 2 km

novynarnia.com 25 Apr. 20:30 Category:Військо

Festival & # 8220; Honest & # 8221; from the & # 8220; Foundation Return & # 8221; alive & # 8211; finished. A lot of Ukrainians built for the sniper of 234, 250 887 dollars. This foundation reported Thursday, April 25. & # 8220; 100 snipers (25 sniper groups) will get complex hardware that allow them to effectively hit targets over 2,000 meters away. Based on the complex that [# 8230;] [OVER PA] The post "Pl" ended up gathering at the Gong Premium ": 100 snipers get the equipment that's going on

The president's senior has been defeated by 198 military officials

novynarnia.com 25 Apr. 17:54 Category:Військо

The President of Vladimir Zielski has marked for the death of the state awards of 198 Ukrainian military officials. The following order is 242 / 2024 from April 25 published on the website of the head of the state. According to the Loan Document & # 8220; for personal courage found in the protection of the state sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, self-committed military commitment to & # 8221; (Sighs) Protector of the guardsmen forever honored by the order of Bogdan Hamisłek, "For courage and Medations" for the military service

Mr. Stallenberg was the first to run the fighter fighters of the Euroigter

novynarnia.com 25 Apr. 17:40 Category:Військо

The General Secretary NATO Yens Styltenberg visited Germany 25 April the first time he visited the Eurosrichter fighter. This is on Thursday, April 25, reported in the service of the North Atlantic Alliance. Stoltberg led the fighter flight within a visit to the air force in the North of Germany, where the 73rd tactical wing of the German Air Force. Gensec called the flight of & # 8220; great [# 8230; ] The post Stelltenberg for the first time was based on the fighter Eurosigter first event

ЗМІ: Франція готує десять українських пілотів на F-16

novynarnia.com 25 Apr. 14:39 Category:Військо

Франція бере участь у підготовці десяти українських пілотів віком від 20 до 22 років. Шестеро з них все ще проходять підготовку у Великій Британії, де опановують англійську мову, яка є важливою для пілотів НАТО, і вивчають основи аеронавтики. Про це пише BFM TV. Інші четверо добре володіють мовою і мають певний досвід польотів на цивільних літаках або тренувань на навчально-тренувальних […] The post ЗМІ: Франція готує десять українських пілотів на F-16 first appeared on Новинарня.

Commander NGW visited and honored the guardians in the Lymanian direction

novynarnia.com 25 Apr. 11:19 Category:Військо

Commander of the National Guard, Ukraine, Alexander the South, did a work trip to the crew and subdivisions on the Lymanan road, and gave awards to 92 guardians. He reported this to Telegram 25 April. & # 8220; It was the honor of giving the men fighting, fighting, fighting the enemy, destroying his living power and technique. In total, 92 guardsmen have earned the commander's award. I drink to each of them, [# 8230; ] The post NG Commander in the South visited and honored the guardians at Lima

"Cue of Capable" by the "Pl" was certified in Minnesota and entered the structure of the CID

novynarnia.com 25 Apr. 09:50 Category:Військо

Examples of the military leadership based on NATO and experience of Russian-Ukrainian war & # 8220; & # 8221; capital schools which Fountain & # 8220; Return & # 8221; alive I started with the Force of territorial Defense, CID, and I joined the CNC military structure called Tus Schweenchenko and became certified in the Ministry of Defense for professional military education. The Foundation announced on Thursday, on April 25. Fusion and leadership [# 8230; ] The pose of the Course of the capital trade from the 5th century

Men of mobilization will be able to get passports in Ukraine only

novynarnia.com 24 Apr. 20:52 Category:Військо

Many male citizens of Ukraine are mobilizing age with & # 8217; Due to the recent law of mobilization and military accounting, they can get a passport for the Ukrainian citizen or a passport for abroad only being present in Ukraine. This document is not supposed to be sent to foreign dislocation. This is about the establishment of the Cabinet of Ministers. Yes, male citizens 18 to 60 can get [# 8230; ♪ The pose of men on the mobilization will reach

The "Go back alive" analysts are preparing a new big study - about the "Wagner" group

novynarnia.com 24 Apr. 17:42 Category:Військо

Supplemental & # 8220; Foundation Return & # 8221; alive preparing a new big research of & # 8211; This time on a private military campaign of & # 8220; & # 8221; Wagner (Sighs) & # 8217; interview about this. given & # 8220; Grant & # 8221; I told the head of the Department of strategic initiatives to come back alive John Science, so the leader reminded me that in 2023, The & # 8220; Foundation. Return & # 8221; alive An analysis project provided by & # 8220; Transformation of Russian state & # 8221; . Document describes (it is accessible by o

Special Relations 225 individual Battalion = 40 armor "Kozak"

novynarnia.com 24 Apr. 12:06 Category:Військо

The Minister of Defense of Ravum Umwise, along with the head of the General of the CBI General Anatolia Barliwicz passed over to Ukrainian soldiers with 225 individual assault battalion 40 armor of & # 8220; & # 8221; Cossack E-production. That's what wise men told them about their Facebook. About 15 armored machines of & # 8220; Cozac-2M1 & # 8221; and 25 units of multi-functional cars & # 8220; Kozak-5 & # 8221; , produced Poct & # 8220; & # 8220; Scientific Production Merge & # 8221; Practice (Sighs) Technon

The government has allocated more than eight billion to building fortifications

novynarnia.com 23 Apr. 18:49 Category:Військо

By overdistributing the government's budget, more than eight billion dollars for building fortification. This has been reported by the Prime Minister Hans Schmigal at the government meeting on Tuesday, on April 23rd. & # 8220; So, only since the beginning of 2024, we had a huge $38 billion resistance. And it's not going to stop & # 8221; - The head of the government emphasized. He pointed, [# 8230;] ] The position of the government has allocated more than 8 billion to the construction of the first implemented on the Newninary

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